Tuesday, 22 May 2012

what is adsense

Now a days there is many advertisements seen on the internet about online earning but also their is many people who gets nothing from these sites because they use wrong methods and  the people who earn from these sites not tell the write method to these people that's why these feel sad about that's buisness and lose their lot of money and time.
I will tell you my story that firstly i also waste my money and time by doing different technechs to earn money from the iterrnet because their is no one who guides me but i tell you the write method to earn money from the internet to save your time and money.
Google Adsense is one of the most usefull buisness to earn money from the internet. Lot of people's doing these  buisness and get's money from it. I will also doing work in adsense.
First of all you make a blog in a blogger.com free of cost and then start regular working in it. You can work simple like blog writing, video uploading, picture uploading give interesting information who atract the people's new's writting one thing is must in your mind is that while doing work that you can not copy the paragraph writing from any other site. Video are downloading from the youtube and then post in your blog relate to your blog writing.
You can daily post up than 2 or 3 paragraphs contains normally 250 to 350 words. Then your account will verified from the adsense if you work regularly and honestly 

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