Showing posts with label trick seo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trick seo. Show all posts

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Seo Tricks - 5 Secrets That Can Work

Seo Tricks - 5 Secrets That Can Work

Yes, it is pretty late in the evening and still my phone keeps ringing, but that is to be expected when one is involved in online marketing and recruiting. Of course, anyone involved in network marketing or MLM realizes that comes with the territory, right? I love being there for my teammates, but not enough to take phone calls after 10pm at night from people that I spend all day with. Patience is a trait you acquire early in the process.

Website and Blog Navigation - The majority of people don't even think about this. What is the reason for this? Search engine spiders (e.g. Google & Yahoo) can be ornery. If you are not really a techie, booting yourself can really be irritating. You want your message to get to your visitor quickly. People are into instant gratification these days. For this reason, they often just don't have time for streaming videos, images, or Flash presentations.

Seo Tricks

Inbound and Outbound Links are Invaluable This will distinguish your blog or site from the plethora of others that are just co-replicated sites that have no value whatsoever and will never, ever rank high in the world of SEO. You are more than a "skeleton" on a page. Inbound links are great if they come from well-known sources. When they start out, too many people waste time getting as many links as possible. Of course, inbound links are very valuable, but only when they come from higher ranking sources. It just advises search engines that there is value to your site and that it has a lot of relevant information to offer, and that is what they are interested in.

Content That is Fresh and Original When I began this venture, one of my errors was that I only posted about things that were relevant to my niche or industry and I did not post frequently enough. Internet users can be a fickle lot, so it helps to post consistently, especially in terms of attracting subscribers to your blog. You have heard the saying, 'content is king', haven't you? So it is helpful that each time a search engine crawls your site, it notices good, recurring content.

Search engines thrive on links - Outbound links will convey that your site is not an average, generic website. It indicates to them that your site provides some value and that you are doing what you are supposed to do. Inbound and Outbound Links are Invaluable - This will make your blog stand out from the millions of others that are just co-replicated websites without any real worth or realistic chance of getting a good SEO rank. You won't just be a bare-bones website. If the sources they originate from are credible, they adore inbound links. Inbound links are highly valuable, but only when they are from worthy sources - don't waste time getting them from just average sites with extremely low traffic. It conveys to them that your website is leagues ahead of the others in terms of relevancy, which is exactly what they are searching for. New Original Content - When I began, one of my major errors was only making posts that had to do with my industry or niche, and I was not posting frequently enough. People who surf the Internet can be quite fickle, so posting consistently can be very helpful in attracting subscribers to your blog. Search engines also like to see good, recurring content posted, so that also works in your favor. Unrelated Inbound Links - You'll recall that we were discussing content that is relevant and pertinent. This naturally takes us to the next topic. The spiders do not want to see incoming links from a site about soccer mixing with your site about miniature horses. If the content is unrelated, particularly when you suddenly have hundreds of links from it in a couple day's time, that can trigger a red flag. Once we hung up, he calmly agreed that he should give it more effort in the future. When problems arise in the private sector, it could prove difficult to identify the cause of the issue. It may be strange, but I love the fact that with online businesses, the buck stops right here - with both success and mistakes. Complete, individual power over your business decisions and results. In truth, if you can't afford paying a fortune for this stuff, your best bet is to teach yourself. Taking responsibility for your own Secret SEO Tricks is one of the primary factors involved in online success, and when you think about, you really would not want to give that power to someone else.

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